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Bullers Temperature Ring in the UK

Acting as the agent of thermal insulation materials and heating elements for high temperature kilns in Germany, JFCC temperature measuring blocks in Japan, FERRO temperature measuring rings in the United States, Bullers temperature measuring rings and coins in the United Kingdom, as well as Private label 1800 ℃ high temperature ceramic fiber binder


Keywords: temperature measuring materials, refractory materials, heating materials


What are BullersTM  Rings?

      ·  BullersTM Rings are part of Mantec's globally recognized range of BullersTM pyrometry equipment, especially for the reliable detection of "thermal work" or "heat energy" in kilns or furnaces, ie the effect of temperature over time or how well a ceramic product is "made" or "processed".
       ·  BullersTM Rings operate over a complete firing temperature range from 750°C to 1420°C
Very low temperature
(TR 89/05)
  ring 89 750℃~1000℃
Low temperature
(TR 55/84)
  Ring 55 960℃~1100℃
Standard temperature
(TR 27/84)
  Ring 27 960℃~1250℃
Extended temperature
(TR 75/84)
  Ring 75 960℃~1320℃
High temperature
(TR 73/84)
  Ring 73 1280℃~1420℃
  Bullers  TM Rings are most commonly used for firing the following products:

        ·  Tableware         ·  Sanitary Ware           ·  Bricks

        ·  Roof Tiles      ·  Wall/Floor Tiles      ·  Refractories Benefits of
        Bullers TM  Rings:
        · BullersTM Rings are an important part of the quality assurance system to ensure accurate firing of ceramic products.

        · BullersTM Rings go through the same 'heat journey' as your ceramic ware, giving early signs of 'undercooked' product so preventive action can be taken to ensure correct product quality.

        · BullersTM Rings are very sensitive to changes in "thermal work or energy" and their shrinkage will depend on a combination of temperature, burn rate and soak time. Thermocouples by themselves cannot and will not provide you with this important information.

        · BullersTM Rings provide a fast, low-cost, consistent and reliable method of accurately monitoring kiln performance to help establish optimal firing conditions: maximize

production  increase productivity  reduce waste  , and  increase profitability


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Shanghai Contact Information

Contact person: Mr. Ge
Tel: 13918873363(WeChat account)


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